Monthly Forecast

March 2022

March 2022

Hope you all had an amazing February, I know the energy was intense but hopefully you made the most out of it. We start the month of March with Mars...

March 2022

Hope you all had an amazing February, I know the energy was intense but hopefully you made the most out of it. We start the month of March with Mars...

February 2022

February 2022

Welcome to the year of the Tiger. We kick off the month with the Chinese New Year and a New Moon in Aquarius. If you've been following my posts on...

February 2022

Welcome to the year of the Tiger. We kick off the month with the Chinese New Year and a New Moon in Aquarius. If you've been following my posts on...

January 2022

January 2022

Welcome to 2022! Are you excited?! I know I am :) I'm mostly excited because the Saturn/Uranus square that plagued us all last year is finally getting weaker because both...

January 2022

Welcome to 2022! Are you excited?! I know I am :) I'm mostly excited because the Saturn/Uranus square that plagued us all last year is finally getting weaker because both...

December 2021

December 2021

November was about shadow work and receiving upgrades. As we enter the final month of 2021, we are still in the eclipse portal. Feeling the energy of the partial lunar...

December 2021

November was about shadow work and receiving upgrades. As we enter the final month of 2021, we are still in the eclipse portal. Feeling the energy of the partial lunar...

November 2021

November 2021

We kick off the month with the Sun making a square to Saturn. This can be kind of a downer aspect - try not to get too discouraged or negative....

November 2021

We kick off the month with the Sun making a square to Saturn. This can be kind of a downer aspect - try not to get too discouraged or negative....