February 2022

February 2022

Welcome to the year of the Tiger. We kick off the month with the Chinese New Year and a New Moon in Aquarius. If you've been following my posts on Instagram you know that every New Moon since August has been aspected by Uranus. So rightfully so here we are with a square to Uranus in Taurus. This New Moon in Aquarius doesn't quite kick up the Saturn/Uranus square because this aspect is getting weaker as they move apart - however, the chaotic vibe is still there. January wasn't very fun cause we had Venus & Mercury retrograde. The square of this New Moon is pushing us to make changes. These can be unexpected changes when Uranus is in a challenging aspect. The good news is that Venus in Capricorn is trine to Uranus at this same time. This will smooth out a lot of the heaviness. Definitely check out your birth chart and see what house is ruled by Aquarius to see how this New Moon will impact you specifically. You can also book a reading with me and we can cover it in our session!
I also want to mention that the Nodes changed signs. Every 18 months the Nodes switch signs, which bring big changes in our lives. The North Node is our path and soul journey, the path opening up for us. The South Node is delusions and sometimes we can get lost in this energy. The last Node cycle was North Node in Gemini and South Node in Sagittarius. Gemini rules the 3rd house so there was a greater focus our intimate and immediate environments. We definitely felt this shift in 2020 when most of us spent more time at home. Gemini also rules facts, communication, our thoughts, and our mind. More emphasis was placed on expanding and exploring those areas of our lives. This added to the massive awakening that we experienced during this time (expanding the mind).
Sagittarius rules the 9th house of international travel, our belief systems, and religious/spiritual beliefs. We saw some big changes in international travel and we definitely saw a lot of people in the collective pressuring others to believe what they believe. This is the South Node influence. Believing something without researching factual evidence (Gemini). Now, getting back to February... we have the South Node in Scorpio and the North Node in Taurus. Taurus has definitely been a theme lately because of Uranus transiting Taurus. Taurus rules the 2nd house of income, our self-worth, and what we value. Taurus is also about comforts.
The South Node in Scorpio is an interesting transit because anytime something major goes into the sign of Scorpio we know we're all ready to transform. Scorpio rules the 8th house of the occult, the other side, power, money, our deepest desires, and what's hidden. In the last week or so many of you may have felt past themes coming up and not understood why. This may have been felt in the form of insecurities. Not unlike any of the other major transits - if you are a fixed sign or have any major placements in fixed signs (Scorpio, Taurus, Leo, and Aquarius) you will feel this more than most.
I think the best news of February is Mercury going direct on the 3rd. This is great news! Keep in mind there is a shadow period so we're not completely out of the woods yet. Venus went direct at the end of January but that shadow period for Venus will also not over until the beginning of March. January kind of felt like 2021 all over again, we didn't really get that "fresh start" energy. Now that all the planets are direct through April things will be sped up so we can get shit done! Mars makes a sextile over to Jupiter in Pisces on February 4th and this is going to give us that inspiration and optimism we need to start pursing our goals. If you've been feeling sluggish and drained this will help lighten that energy.
The Sun in Aquarius also meets up with Saturn on the 4th & 5th, reminding us that we need to get our ducks in a row. Sun square Saturn also creates a lot of fatigue. So if you're feeling exhausted this is most likely why. If there's anything that's been delayed because of Mercury or Venus Retrograde this will start to move forward now. Mars in Capricorn will also trine Uranus in Taurus on February 8th.
This can be a great time to break away from the old and infuse this new inspiration into your routine. Freedom and courage to go our own way is the name of the game. The Moon is also in Taurus making a square over to Saturn on the 8th. This can be frustrating and make us feel discouraged. As Mercury comes back online it will conjunct Pluto in Capricorn February 11th before entering Aquarius again later this month. This adds some intensity to our thoughts and conversations.
I'm especially excited about this Mars and Venus conjunction on February 16th during the Full Moon in Leo (is it getting hot in here??). Venus and Mars in Capricorn in the sky is going to lead to a spicy energy. This adds to a greater need to want to be in an intimate relationship. So if you're already feeling that way since Valentine's Day seems to be that reminder each year, get ready for that to get more intense. This can also be a great time for financial and creative matters. Venus and Mars together is the yin and yang we all need to get inspired and actually get things off the ground. Definitely an interesting energy to meet new people and date if that's what you're into. The Full Moon in Leo is directly opposing the Nodes. This means this Full Moon is going to feel very emotional. You're thinking, isn't every Full Moon?
Well yes, Full Moons are a culmination - a release. Personally I don't suggest manifesting on a Full Moon for this reason. However, this is just my opinion. I prefer to work with the astrological influence of the energy. Leo represents our inner child, children, creativity, pregnancy, happiness, and true love. It really is one of the best houses in astrology. The Nodes (as I discussed earlier) really have to do with our life path and destiny. What makes us really happy? What is our soul purpose? I feel like this Full Moon also in a quincunx to Pluto in Capricorn is going to bring up these feelings for us. Perhaps you're truly not happy and this is really a turning point to confront that part of your life and start making some changes. Steer clear of the drama with this Full Moon cause it can cause lots of intense emotions. Love my Leos, but it's a very dramatic vibe! Jupiter in Pisces is also still sextile to Uranus in Taurus at this Full Moon supporting that expansion and change leading us to happiness.
I really like February 17th-19th because the Moon in Virgo is going to be making positive aspects to Uranus, Mars, Venus, and Pluto. The Moon in Virgo is usually a great energy to get things organized and do some 'spring cleaning'. Sometimes this can make us over-think and become restless. However, with all these positive conversations between these planets most likely depending on your chart you'll be feeling inspired and motivated. Great energy to get things moving toward your goals! February 20th can be a little irritating as the Moon moves into Libra and begins to square both Venus and Mars and later Pluto. Challenging Moon aspects to Pluto can make us feel a little controlling and obsessive. Libra rules relationships so this energy can bleed into that area of our lives.
February 22nd Mars and Venus begin to sextile over to Neptune in Pisces. Really dreamy, beautiful, romantic energy! Definitely your time to shine this month if you are creative. Perfect energy for inspiration and creativity. On the 24th Mercury will square over to Uranus in Taurus. It's important to continue to ground yourself. Mercury moving back into Aquarius will bring back the uneasiness we felt before and during Mercury Retrograde. The good news is that the shadow period ends and we can finally move on! Not being grounded can feel like over-thinking, worrying about money, constantly being in the future, not being in the present moment, restless thoughts, easily irritated, overly emotional for no reason, trouble sleeping, etc. Check out my Cleanse & Ground session if you're interested in learning my grounding technique and clearing your energy of any negativity to help with the rollercoaster in astrology.
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