January 2022

January 2022

Welcome to 2022! Are you excited?! I know I am :) I'm mostly excited because the Saturn/Uranus square that plagued us all last year is finally getting weaker because both planets are moving apart. This made 2021 very chaotic and basically like one big Mercury Retrograde. That and all of the Mercury Retrograde transits of 2021 were in air signs. We will be repeating that energy this year for the first 3 Mercury Retrogrades. I posted on my Instagram page each of the Mercury Retrograde periods for 2022 if you want to check that out.
We kick off the month with a very positive aspect between the Sun and Uranus. Sun in Capricorn is making what's called a trine to Uranus in Taurus. This is exciting because Uranus is about freedom and change. It's also about innovation. Capricorn rules the 10th house of career, achievement, recognition, and our destiny. An energy like this is very powerful to make positive changes in our life. The Moon in Capricorn is also very positive on the 2nd. Again, making this trine to Uranus. Every year you see everyone making New Year goals but this year the astrology is really supportive of these goals and changes.
Venus makes another positive aspect to Neptune on the 5th. Remember, Venus is still Retrograde in Capricorn until January 29th. Venus sextile Neptune can be very romantic. We are however still going through the lessons of this Retrograde period. I talked about this more in depth on Instagram and in December's forecast. To be brief - Venus Retrograde in Capricorn is having us look at our relationships in a new way. We are taking the blind fold off and not taking shit from people anymore. We are also re-evaluating our finances. If you caught my December Instagram Live Sale then you may have got your hands on my Venus Retrograde Ritual Body Oil. Continue to work with that oil daily through January.
The Sun will meet up with Venus (conjunct) in Capricorn on the 8th. This adds to these Retrograde themes and puts more emphasis on what we're learning through this period. Mercury will sextile Chiron on January 9th. This is really positive energy for communication and healing. Chiron is the wounded healer. In a beautiful aspect with Mercury, we have the opportunity to really address our feelings. Especially if some of you have been having relationship issues - great time to have a sit down conversation. The Universe will support you just know that Mercury is in shadow because we're coming up to another Mercury Retrograde.
The Sun will sextile Neptune on January 10th. This is a very favorable energy for creativity and psychic downloads. Neptune is in Pisces which is a very spiritual and psychic placement. It allows us to receive messages from guides, angels, and ancestors. Having the Sun in Capricorn there may be a bigger emphasis on downloads pertaining to our careers, finances, and business opportunities. Mars will square Neptune on January 11th. Be careful of hurt feelings, secrets coming out, and deceit. Don't fall for something that sounds too good to be true. The energy can be confusing around this aspect. Use your intuition and don't jump to any conclusions.
Mercury Retrograde will begin on January 14th and end on February 3rd. Keep in mind there is a week on either side of Mercury Retrograde that's called a "shadow period". Meaning, the attributes of this transit can be present leading up to the transit and after it's completed. This Retrograde period will be in the sign of Aquarius - similar to the Mercury Retrograde at the beginning of 2021. Aquarius is an air sign and it is ruled by Uranus. Even though the Saturn/Uranus square is getting weaker they're still in a close orb to each other. Mercury in Aquarius will kick up this chaotic vibe once again especially with the Retrograde.
As always, it's smart to avoid signing contracts, buying electronics, purchasing expensive items, moving, or getting married during this time. When Mercury is Retrograde we are operating in our subconscious minds. We may not see all the details so it's really easy to miss something. Life goes on obviously and Mercury will Retrograde 4 times in 2022. So if you need to make some decisions or do some of those things during this transit it's not the end of the world. Just understand that things will change when Mercury comes direct. You could have issues with electronics (especially cars) if you buy during a Mercury Retrograde. Moving can be very chaotic, things may be delayed, things can go wrong unexpectedly, etc. Take it from me, I moved twice in 2021 during Mercury Retrograde (0/10 don't recommend).
On the 16th of the month the Sun in Capricorn will meet up with Pluto (conjunct). This transit will make it easier to get to the bottom of a situation. Pluto being ruled by Scorpio it allows us to see beyond the surface. This energy is also common with power struggles or power plays. Remember, a conjunct in astrology is a neutral aspect. Doesn't mean it's negative or positive just depends on how it plays out in your personal astrology chart. Be sure to book a session with me if you'd like to know more about how these transits will effect you specifically.
January 17th we have a Full Moon in Cancer. Full Moon's are culminations and completions - when the Sun and the Moon exactly oppose each other. Cancer rules the 4th house of home and Capricorn rules our career and achievement. Cancer Full Moons can be especially emotional because the Cancer is ruled by the Moon. This Full Moon is opposite Pluto as well. An opposition is a challenging aspect in astrology. The energy of this Full Moon will be very intense for this reason. Cancer energy will bring big emotions and with the opposition to Pluto this creates obsession, compulsion, and extreme moods. Be careful of overreacting around this Full Moon.
We can feel the emotions and energy 5 days around either side of Full Moons depending on how sensitive you are. Be aware that everyone will be effected differently. Cardinal signs will be impacted the most around this time (Libra, Aries, Cancer, and Capricorn). With Mercury and Venus still retrograde during this Full Moon arguments are likely in relationships. It's important to stay grounded. I recommend grounding yourself everyday. But especially around the Full Moon this month and during Mercury Retrograde you will want to be grounded. If you're unsure how to ground yourself please check out my Cleanse & Ground session, where I will cleanse your ethereal and energetic body and teach you my grounding techniques.
Uranus in Taurus will finally go direct on January 18th. This is very exciting. Uranus has been Retrograde since August 19th, 2021. Uranus is the planet of change and freedom. In Taurus this transit has been very focused on us living our best lives. Taurus represents money but also the comforts in life. Uranus wants us to break free from anything holding us back from our best life ever. We finally enter Aquarius season on the 19th. Again, keep in mind anytime we have planets that go into fixed signs (Aquarius, Scorpio, Taurus, or Leo) we will be reactivating the Saturn/Uranus square energy.
On the 23rd the Sun will meet up with Mercury in Retrograde (conjunct). This Mercury Retrograde will start off in Aquarius and end in Capricorn. That leads us to January 28th where Mercury in Retrograde will conjunct Pluto in Capricorn. Again, the conjunct aspect is neutral but Mercury meeting up with Pluto can involve transformation and power plays. Pluto is ruled by Scorpio and does have a death and rebirth vibe. Mercury rules our minds this can be a powerful Retrograde period to transform our thought patterns and self-talk. Venus in Capricorn will finally go direct on January 29th. This completes a 40 day transit for Venus.
The Venus Retrograde period was very karmic. Karmic beginnings and endings are very possible. By the end of this month we will have hopefully cut ties with any toxic relationships and begin to understand our worth. My Venus Retrograde oil has the intention to remove a blind fold so that you can see your relationships for what they really are. Also, don't worry if you didn't finish your bottle you can still continue to use this oil after the Retrograde period is over. Set the intention that you'd like to re-asses your relationship(s) or finances - it is perfect for that energy.
The Sun squaring Uranus will end the month with a bang! Sun in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus again, kicking up this chaotic energy with Saturn/Uranus. Lots of changes happening all around us. Anytime Uranus is involved in any transit there is change. However, in a square which is a challenging aspect - the change is usually unexpected depending on how self-aware you are. Anyone with Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius, or Taurus placements will be impacted the most. Having Scorpio in my chart I feel anyone with those placements cause this Saturn/Uranus bullshit has rocked my life LOL My advice is to lean into any changes taking place. The astrology is a lot harder if you fight or resist the change, makes the transitions more painful. Happy January my loves.
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