November 2021

November 2021

We kick off the month with the Sun making a square to Saturn. This can be kind of a downer aspect - try not to get too discouraged or negative. Keep in mind any time a planet goes into a fixed sign (Leo, Aquarius, Scorpio, or Taurus) it is reactivating this Saturn-Uranus square that's been plaguing us all year long. The Sun in Scorpio also makes an opposition to Uranus 11/4-11/5. This is exact the day of the New Moon in Scorpio on 11/4.
The Scorpio New Moon is opposite Uranus in Taurus. Making the first week of November very chaotic. We've seen a theme with Uranus aspecting each New Moon for the last 3 months. Rapid changes continue to occur as long as Uranus is in close orb - no matter the aspect. Uranus is the planet of freedom. Taurus rules the 2nd house of our comforts, values, income, and money.
Scorpio rules the 8th house of our deep dark secrets and desires. This New Moon may present some uncomfortable changes and with Scorpio involved there is usually a battle to regain control. I would try and lean into the changes instead of resisting them. With these types of transits I've learned that when you fight the change instead of embracing it... the experience gets worse - not better.
Mercury is sextile to Venus from 11/5-11/8 which creates a harmonious energy. This influence is great for communication and smoothing over disagreements/arguments. If any tension should arise with this week's oppositions to Uranus - this aspect will help get things back in balance. Take advantage of this loving energy because Mercury begins to square Saturn from 11/9-11/12.
Anytime we have a challenging aspect with Saturn it creates restriction. Which is why November (especially toward the middle of the month) is going to be so tense. There is a tight T-square with Mars, Saturn, and Uranus. There will be obstacles with this energy that we have to overcome. This isn't the time to start new projects or endeavors. It's better to hold on and cultivate what you already have. Frustration and anger can definitely come up with this energy.
Exercise and grounding will be excellent tools for this part of the month. Exercise can be a positive outlet for any repressed Mars angst energy (especially in Scorpio). When Mars is involved in difficult aspects we can also feel very energetically tired and drained. It's important not to push yourself and listen to your body. This isn't a great time for battling with people, it's a time to focus on yourself and avoid conflicts.
Grounding our energy can be extremely beneficial to help deal with these energies. It will allow us to take on challenges from a calm and centered state of being instead of reacting emotionally. Check out my new Cleanse & Ground service for more info on how learning my grounding and energy recall techniques can help you!
The Sun in Scorpio will trine Neptune in Pisces on 11/12. This is really beautiful psychic energy. Use this time to tap into your intuition. With the chaos of this Scorpio season activating these challenges with Uranus and Saturn - it's important that we tap into our inner knowing especially as we approach this eclipse season. Keep your crown and third eye chakras open by incorporating a really good spiritual hygiene routine.
On 11/16 the Sun will begin to sextile Pluto in Capricorn. Scorpio loves control and depth and Capricorn thrives on structure and discipline. Pluto is also the ruling planet of Scorpio. This is a very positive breath of fresh air in the energy this month. It will increase our need to be successful and pursue our goals. This is especially needed to overcome any setbacks or obstacles this month. This will definitely give you the drive you need to get difficult tasks done.
Mars doesn't quit this month as it makes an opposition to Uranus from 11/16-11/18. This energy can manifest as unexpected anger and outbursts. Do your best to be aware of this influence and avoid conflicts. Mars in Scorpio especially can have you losing your cool. Additionally, this can lead to impulsive decisions and overreactions. Don't let your emotions control your decisions. If you find yourself in a situation that is testing your temper try and cool off before you make any moves.
There is a Full Moon partial lunar eclipse in Taurus on 11/19. We will still be feeling the influence of the Mars/Uranus opposition at this Full Moon. The good news is that Venus will be making a beautiful trine to Uranus and sextile to Mars. This can make for some very spicy romantic energy at the end of the month! It is also very favorable because Venus represents money (among other things) and this Full Moon falls in the sign of Taurus (ruled by Venus) that represents the 2nd house of our material things and what we value.

It is said that there is a portal that opens between two eclipses. There is a New Moon solar eclipse on 12/3 in Sagittarius that I will talk more about next month. The energy is intense and will be ushering us into a new frequency in our lives. You'll need to check your astrology chart to see which house is ruled by Taurus and Sagittarius to see where these eclipses will fall for you. Venus sextile to Mars will be an influence from 11/20 through the rest of November.
Venus in Capricorn puts an emphasis on structure and commitments with our finances and relationships. Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, which favors long-term goals. Mars in Scorpio is already packed with sexual and sensual energy. Having these two make a favorable aspect in the sky is the perfect energy for socializing, attraction, and chemistry. Any rituals to do with love, relationships, sex, or beauty would be favored with this energy.
Venus and Mars are also making beautiful aspects to Neptune in the last week of November allowing us to get in touch with our spirituality and creativity. All of these aspects make a great recipe for creative endeavors (writing, painting, creating, etc). In between two eclipses is already very powerful, so when we couple this with Neptune - be ready to receive some amazing downloads and upgrades.
Meditation is crucial this month, not only to get through the rougher energies described earlier but also to take advantage of these dreamier psychic aspects at play in November. Be extra cautious when trying to connect psychically - especially between eclipses. This means protection, protection, and more protection. While meditating you could receive DNA upgrades and messages from your galactic teams.
If you'd like to know more about how the astrology transits and aspects will impact your birth chart personally, you can book an in-depth personal reading with me! Don't forget to check my stories and posts on Instagram for my weekly and bi-weekly energy updates.
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