December 2021

December 2021

November was about shadow work and receiving upgrades. As we enter the final month of 2021, we are still in the eclipse portal. Feeling the energy of the partial lunar eclipse on 11/19. 12/1 we kick off the month with Neptune going direct in Pisces. Neptune has been retrograde since June. Neptune has a way of sweeping us into the dream world - especially in Pisces. Venus is making a beautiful sextile to Neptune as it comes direct, which is a very romantic and creative energy. Mars is also trine Neptune, making this a very sexy time especially since Venus and Mars have been dancing in the sky in a sextile.
Mars & Venus in harmonious aspects to Neptune is very spiritual and creative. Music and anything to do with artistic expression is highly favored right now. This is an incredible time to connect to guides and receive messages from ancestors, angels, and spirit. Connecting in this vibration especially in between two eclipses can be very powerful. The Sun in Sagittarius is also making a trine to Chiron. Chiron is the wounded healer, and it is currently in the sign of Aries. This energy allows us to make peace with our wounds. This is following Mercury and Saturn making positive aspects to Chiron this week.
The beginning of December can have a life-changing impact on our lives if we choose to connect. However, this connection comes with allowing ourselves to feel uncomfortable. The Moon enters Scorpio as the month begins and immediately squares over to Saturn in Aquarius and begins to oppose Uranus in Taurus. This Saturn/Uranus square has been haunting us all year long as we approach the final exact square later this month. The big news this first week is obviously the New Moon solar eclipse in Sagittarius on 12/3. Continuing the theme of Uranus aspecting the last four New Moons - Uranus is making a quincunx to this solar eclipse.
Uranus in a quincunx can add some anxiety to this New Moon solar eclipse energy. New Moons are great for manifesting if you are channeling lunar energy. However, with Uranus involved in this aspect this can add an unpredictable and chaotic vibe. Eclipses bring in huge changes in our lives and when Uranus is involved in challenging aspects, these changes can come out of nowhere. If you are making moon water or planning on charging your crystals under this influence, I would be aware of the energy having an anxious and unpredictable nature. This New Moon is also conjunct Mercury - making this an extra emphasis on our minds, thoughts, and communication.
The great news is that this New Moon is making a positive sextile to Saturn in Aquarius grounding these energies (somewhat). Keep in mind that although Saturn’s influence is stabilizing and grounding - Saturn is still in an Air sign. Not to mention, Aquarius is ruled by Uranus. Bottom line, this energy is electric and intense and a bit chaotic even with Saturn involved so I would make sure to ground yourself around this time. Difficulties will come up with these aspects but there is always a way out. The positive part about Saturn here in harmony is that you will find solutions to any issues. Uranus allows us to break free from restrictions (especially in Taurus) and find new ways to do things that are better for us in the long run.
There are two fixed stars that are also aspecting this solar eclipse that I want to mention. Antares and Alwaid are in minor aspects to this energy. However, any eclipse energy is going to be stronger, so I figured it is worth mentioning. Both fixed stars represent a Mars-like influence, meaning destruction and violence. Another reason why I would second guess making moon water or charging crystals with this energy (just my opinion). Just remember that whatever comes up during this eclipse that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Mercury sextile Saturn during this energy is also very positive allowing us to make long-term decisions and maneuver through any setbacks.
On 12/6 Mars in Scorpio will sextile over to Pluto in Capricorn. This is very driven energy allowing us to really push forward to accomplish any goals and start any new projects that may be inspired by the New Moon in Sagittarius. Venus in Capricorn also meets up with Pluto on 12/11. This energy is very great for sexy time, hopefully you got your hands on my new Desire Ritual Body Oil in my last live sale! Also be aware that this influence can make us a little clingy in relationships so if you feel yourself becoming a stage 5 clinger just remember that you read about this energy in advance :) 12/12 can be a little draining as the Sun makes a square over to Neptune. This is a yearly aspect, so definitely listen to your body and rest if you need to!
December has a lot of mutable energy since the New Moon is in Sagittarius and the Full Moon on 12/18 is in Gemini. Mutable signs are notorious for lots of change and since we're coming out of eclipse season I'd say that sounds about right. So, because December just wants to be all extra - the Full Moon in Gemini is no exception. It is aligning with the fixed star Betelgeuse (not Beetlejuice). Gemini in general rules the 3rd house which is our minds, communication, short-distance travel, and our immediate environment. Betelgeuse doesn't have a great reputation. It has an energy that is quite volatile. This is the famous red star in the Orion constellation. The Moon was on Betelgeuse when the 1st tower struck on 9/11.
However, I am not saying this will happen over this Full Moon - just wanting to educate you on the energy associated with this fixed star. The Full Moon is at 27 degrees Gemini and Betelgeuse is at 28 degrees. On the positive side, Jupiter in Aquarius is making a beautiful trine to this Full Moon. Jupiter of course is the planet of luck, money, happiness, and optimism. Betelgeuse is very "alpha male" energy like a Mars influence, so this may come up around this Full Moon. Since there is an emphasis on our minds and thoughts, I would encourage you to stay mentally strong and not let anything create fear or panic. The astrology all month long will present challenges, but we can also find solutions and a clear path to the other side.
Around this Full Moon since the Venus/Pluto aspect is still present, relationship co-dependency issues will come up. Venus also rules money/finances so this can be an area of focus for you as well. What in your life are you too dependent on in an unhealthy way? For a lot of you this may be a relationship or a job. Depends on where these planets are transiting in your personal astrology chart. If you'd like to more about how December will impact you specifically, you can book a reading with me. Although Scorpio season has ended, we are still very much in an energy of releasing. Venus is really taking the spotlight this month in Capricorn as it will retrograde from 12/19-1/29.
Each planet has favorite signs they love to transit and not so favorite signs. It just so happens that Venus does not like being in Capricorn. Capricorn is ruled by Saturn making Venus very cold and calculated here. Not the typical Venus lovey-dovey energy during this transit. Venus Retrograde is an opportunity to re-evaluate how we look at relationships and finances. Capricorn rules the 10th house of career, so money and work will be a focus here. In general, Venus Retrograde isn't a great time for plastic surgery, new beauty endeavors (like a new hair style/cut) etc. Maybe pick out that new wardrobe in February? Not to mention, even though this is cuffing season - not a great time for romance either.
If you're dating during this time and you meet someone, when Venus goes direct it may not last. I would advise if you're single to take the 40 days and 40 nights of this retrograde to date yourself and understand your own needs so you can come out of this period even better! Venus Retrograde always effects Libras and Taurus placements more intensely because Venus is their ruling planet. This specific Venus Retrograde will impact Cardinal signs more (Aries, Libra, Cancer, and Capricorn). You'll need to look at your astrological birth chart to determine which house is ruled by Capricorn - or hire me to do it for you!
12/19 is a beautiful day I want to highlight in December because Chiron is going direct in Aries. Chiron has been in retrograde since July, and we've been deep in our shit reliving our hurts and uncovering those wounds - especially in Scorpio season. Although these retrogrades are deeply needed to process these emotions so we can do our shadow work, having Chiron direct is now giving us the ability to heal and move on. The same day, the Sun in Sagittarius will make a gorgeous sextile over to Jupiter! This is a very optimistic and lucky aspect giving us all the feels so we can push through the chaotic energy this month. All month long (as I mentioned earlier) we have been building up to this final Saturn/Uranus square close to Christmas.
Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus have been beefing in the sky all year long, and honestly - we're all just over it! Am I right? It has made this year extremely chaotic and unpredictable, shaking up almost every aspect of our lives. I will say the positive side to this influence is that without these major shake ups a lot of us would never change and if we want to grow and evolve, we have to make some big moves. Now that being said, this final square between these two is happening just in time for Christmas on 12/24. If you can think back to June when we had an eclipse and the Saturn/Uranus square I'm sure you can imagine the type of energy I'm talking about here. As if we needed more changes, right?
Since we have already had these squares all year long I have a feeling that whatever comes up won't be so surprising anymore. Uranus has definitely lost the "element of surprise" since we continue to get pounded by this energy. There's obviously good aspects this month as well so please don't get caught up in the dramatic astrology. My goal with emphasizing the more challenging stuff is to ensure that you are prepared. There is nothing to fear or worry about the Universe is always conspiring in our favor - remember that. As annoying as this Saturn/Uranus battle has been in 2021 the whole purpose has been to move us closer to our most beautiful and abundant life! If we continue to lean into the changes instead of fighting them then life becomes so much easier.
Take this month to address any imbalances in your life. There is a reason why the astrology has decided to repeat these squares. Because some of us need to be punched in the face before we get the message hahaha. In all the years I've studied astrology the repeating aspects get me the most. I have a lot of fixed and stubborn aspects in my chart so I can understand the point of view of some of you that refuse to change. Perhaps you refuse to acknowledge where you've made poor decisions and you continue to perpetuate the same lower vibrational energy. It's only when we take accountability and acknowledge where things are out of balance in our lives that we can make big progress. Unfortunately sometimes the Universe gives us a couple slaps to get there.
We end the month with Jupiter going back into Pisces. We got a small taste of this gorgeous energy in over the summer. You remember.. when everything seemed like it was getting better and places started to open up again? Jupiter in Pisces is a very loving and hopeful energy. The possibilities are endless and we have that guiding us through 2022 to look forward to. Take inventory of all your lessons learned this year. Be gentle with yourself and the amount of progress you have or haven't made. Know that 2022 can be whatever you want it to be. We all have the ability to manifest the life of our dreams no matter how ghetto the astrology gets! Wishing you all a beautiful holiday season no matter what you celebrate. See you all next year!
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