March 2022

March 2022

Hope you all had an amazing February, I know the energy was intense but hopefully you made the most out of it. We start the month of March with Mars and Venus still meeting up in the sky in Capricorn. This conjunction has been felt since the end of February and we're all feeling spicy! Mars and Venus together makes us yearn for partnerships and seggsy time more than usual. Then we kick off the month with a New Moon in Pisces! This is actually the first of TWO New Moons this month.
The New Moon in Pisces on March 2nd is at 11 degrees which means it's conjunct to Jupiter in Pisces! Woah... this is an awesome aspect. I know the energy has been heavy AF lately so ya'll know I'm about to find every positive astrology aspect I can find to cheer you up. And this New Moon is really amazing, not even kidding. It is also making a sextile to Uranus. This can bring about a fresh energy that helps us release and break free from anything restricting us in a very positive way.
If you've been following along, you know that I've mentioned that every New Moon since August of 2021 has aspected Uranus (positive and negative). It's exciting that this New Moon just happens to be one of the positively aspected New Moons to Uranus. Uranus is about freedom and change. A sextile is a favorable aspect meaning we want these changes and it pushes us into something we're very happy about. Check the house in your astrology chart ruled by Pisces and you'll see how this is impacting you specifically. You can also book a private reading with me and I can tell you all about it!
I do want to reiterate that Venus and Mars in Capricorn are playing a role in the energy around this New Moon. Not only with the conjunction, but also Venus and Mars are meeting up with Pluto. This is turning into a big life changes and fiery passion. Great time to start new projects, new businesses, create new ideas, start a new relationship, get laid, etc. Mercury is also conjunct Saturn at this time making us very serious about our future and what goals we have in mind. You could be planning your future, staying organized, and creating new goals with a long-term plan under this influence. You may find your mind and thoughts are very focused and disciplined under Saturn's energy.
On March 5th, the Sun meets up with Jupiter. We call these days "Sun/Jupiter days". They're very lucky and happy. I personally love the energy of the Sun meeting up with Jupiter. The Sun card in tarot is all about happiness and positive energy. It's also a positive sign for the future. Jupiter represents luck, expansion, happiness, money, and optimism. Mars and Venus will enter Aquarius as well. This will be a big shift in energy because we have been feeling the Capricorn influence of energy with this conjunction.
Mercury enters the sign of Pisces to join the Pisces energy we're feeling this month on March 9th. Mercury is the planet of communication so in Pisces this can be a very confusing time. Neptune is very delusional, although it can also be very dreamy, creative, and romantic. Mercury is very logical because it's ruled by Virgo/Gemini. Don't get lost in the Pisces energy. The Sun will conjunct Neptune on March 13th further adding to this energy I just mentioned. Keep in mind Pisces energy is very psychic so this is a great time to tap into your intuition.
Using logic during Pisces season or in a lot of Pisces energy doesn't usually turn out that well because we are projecting or others are projecting. 12 house themes arise during this season and it's important to also stay grounded. Please check out my Cleanse & Ground session if you haven't already. This would be a great time to learn my grounding technique so that you can practice this daily during March. If you are an Empath or someone more sensitive to energy this can be a fantastic time to connect with guides, angels, and ancestors.
However, because we're opening the crown chakra more during this time we can feel more "floaty" as I like to call it. This means that we are opening and activating our top chakras and not balancing and grounding our bottom chakras. Each energy center has an important role in our bodies. Pisces season is also a fantastic time to make changes or update your spiritual routine. Making sure you have a spiritual hygiene routine as well. Meaning, cleansing your energy from negativity and protecting your space and energy often. Pisces is a very creative energy as well so you may receive lots of inspiration to create new things!
Also, want to briefly mention here (I talked about this on Instagram) - March is the only month this year with no retrogrades. So definitely take advantage of all the planets moving forward. The energy will be much lighter than February and January. There will be ups and downs of course because of the energy in the World but we do have the opportunity to manifest BIG things this month. Mercury will sextile over to Uranus in Taurus on the 17th of March. This could bring new epiphanies and exciting news! A sextile in Astrology is a very positive aspect. Mercury rules communication and Uranus is about new fresh changing energy.
Venus is sextile to Chiron on March 18th. This is a great aspect because Chiron is the wounded healer, this highlights our hurts from the past and where we need to heal. Venus rules relationships so this energy is a great time to have conversations with loved ones if you have been having any difficulties to express those feelings and come to a resolution. The Sun will sextile over to Pluto on March 18th. Pluto rules death and rebirth, this energy is about transformation. Where would you like things to change in your life and how can you use this energy to make those changes happen?
Venus will square over to Uranus on March 19th. This can be unexpected news or events around our finances or relationships. Uranus is in the sign of Taurus ruling our comfort zone, self-worth, values, and money. And before you know it we're at the Astrological New Year! Aries season arrives on March 20th. Mercury also meets up with Jupiter on the 20th. Jupiter expands and Mercury is our minds and how we communicate. Jupiter is also very optimistic so we may get some really happy news we're excited about. March is a really great month to launch new things with this Jupiter energy.
Mars begins to sextile over to Chiron on March 21st. This can help us take action toward any healing that needs to take place. Check the Ego and allow yourself to come full circle with the things in your life you leave to heal and leave behind. Mars will also square over to Uranus on March 22nd. This will make the energy very intense leading up to this day and around it. Mars squaring Uranus can make our emotions heightened and want to fight people. You'll see and feel this in the collective as well. My advice is to continue to ground yourself and know that even though you want everyone to "catch these hands" the energy will pass.
Mercury will sextile over to Pluto on March 26th and this can help us transform our thoughts. This would be a good time for any therapy or energy work that focuses on breaking old patterns and belief systems. At the end of the month Mercury will enter the sign of Aries. Aries rules the 1st house or the self. This will be where our thoughts and communication will be focused during this transit. Venus will conjunct Saturn on March 28th. Saturn is about long-term and creates a very serious and disciplined energy. You may find yourself focusing more on saving and structuring your finances for long-term goals. This can also put a more serious tone to your romantic life. If you're single you may be looking for more of a serious type of commitment.
Overall, March has some really great energy with these aspects to Jupiter in Pisces. Aries season into April you'll see the energy speed up. The eclipses this year begin next Month in April which always bring HUGE changes in our lives. Take this month to write down your manifestations, keep a journal, and track your progress. Make the most out of all the planets going direct and know that you can literally change your world in a month. Anything can happen if you believe it can!
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