April 2022

April 2022

We start the month with a bang đŸ’„ There’s a New Moon in Aries conjunct Mercury and Chiron. Mercury is about communication so perhaps you’ll be receiving some news around this New Moon. Keep in mind that Mercury in Aries can be extremely impatient and impulsive (let’s use the Oscars as an example). Chiron is called the ‘wounded healer’ - having this New Moon meet up with Chiron will make this energy very emotional.
Chiron is our charts is where we are wounded but also where we can heal others. So although this New Moon is very emotional we can use the energy to purge old emotions and heal ourselves. Most of April is all planets direct, so it’s important we use this Aries season energy.
The following day on April 2nd, the moon in Aries will square over to Pluto. So the days around this New Moon are going to have some extreme emotions. Pluto can create an obsession lots of drama. On the 4th with the moon in Taurus ♉ - seems like we can’t catch a break. The Moon makes a square over to Saturn, Mars, and Venus through the 5th. These aspects may cause depression and hurt feelings.
Venus saves the day on April 5th and enters into Pisces. Venus in Pisces is the most loving energy. People that have Venus in Pisces are extremely selfless (almost to a fault). Venus joining Jupiter in Pisces does make the energy that much sweeter. Be sure to check your chart to see which house rules Pisces to find out where this sweetness will happen for you! Or you can book an appointment with me and I can look at your chart 💖
Mars is also conjunct Saturn through April 6th. This is making our actions more serious and disciplined. Keep in mind that Mars and Saturn are in the sign of Aquarius. Aquarius rules the people, groups, and associations. There may be a bigger emphasis on standing up for our rights and the rights of others.
Jupiter begins to conjunct Neptune from April 7th through April 16th. This is a beautiful and dreamy influence. Jupiter represents money, luck, abundance, happiness, and expansion. Neptune is all things spirituality and creativity (especially in its home sign of Pisces). Having Jupiter conjunct Pisces this definitely heightens our psychic abilities and can expand spirituality. If you’re not already (you should be 😉) this would be a great time period for meditation and growing your gifts.
April 7th Mercury also begins to sextile Saturn & Mars, which is a very favorable aspect. This can be a good time for last minute agreements or contracts. Decisions and agreements now can be long term and beneficial under this aspect. This is also great energy for communication.
On the 12th, the Sun starts to sextile Saturn in Aquarius. We can be feeling motivated around the middle of the month with this energy. Saturn creates disciple and structure. This is a great time to outline your goals and next steps if you haven’t already. Starting a new routine and focusing on structuring a self-care schedule would work great during this time.
April 16th we have a Full Moon in Libra. A Full Moon is when the Sun exactly opposes the Moon. It is a time of releasing and endings. If you’ve been around for awhile you already know I don’t recommend manifesting on Full Moons. It is a great time for a cleanse and reset. The eclipse coming later this month and in May will bring a lot of change. My Cleanse and Ground session can help you get ready for this next chapter.
This Full Moon is squaring Pluto in Capricorn. Libra rules the 7th house of relationships. The Full Moon in Libra is the polarity between ourselves (Aries) and others. There will be a big emphasis on relationships around this time. Pluto making a square can indicate some emotional drama đŸ«  You may hear of relationships ending around this Full Moon. The good news is that Saturn is also making a trine to this Full Moon.
Saturn creates structure and has a stabilizing influence. There can be relationships that end but also have a new beginning with the influence of Saturn. Which way these relationships go depends on the aspects in your individual charts. Cardinal signs will be impacted the most by this Full Moon (Libra, Aries, Capricorn, and Cancer).
This month definitely as a mixture of beautiful 😍 energy and intensity. I really feel like your perspective and how you view this energy will really determine how April will go for you. This month is special because we have two New Moons. If you didn’t already know, the second New Moon in a month is called a “Blue Moon”. If you’ve ever heard the phrase “once in a Blue Moon”. These can be quite special.
At the end of the month on April 24th, Mercury begins to sextile Neptune and Jupiter. Mercury ruling communication this tells me that we could receive some really exciting news toward the end of the month. Neptune with Jupiter can make us feel like we’re in a dream we don’t want to wake up from. Adding Mercury to this energy just further intensifies the psychic influence. We have an amazing opportunity to connect with our higher galactic teams during this time.
Venus joins the party 🎉 on April 27th and begins to conjunct Jupiter and Neptune. This adds a financial and romantic energy to this lucky influence. For those of you with Pisces ruling any money houses in your natal birth chart this can mean a large increase or windfall around the end of the month.
The grand finale to April is of course the “Blue Moon” New Moon partial Solar Eclipse in Taurus ♉ on April 30th at 10 degrees. Not only is this New Moon a Blue Moon which is pretty rare, it’s also an Eclipse making the energy 10 times more powerful than just your average Moon. Eclipses last up to 6 months and herald huge changes in our lives.
Not to make things more intense but this Eclipse is also conjunct Uranus. Uranus rules change and freedom. If you have any placements within 10 degrees of Fixed Signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, or Aquarius) you will feel this eclipse the most. What I want to emphasize is that we need to release fear of change. Admit it, when I talk about big changes it scares you right? You’re assuming that change is bad, that’s your first mistake. We need to stop going to negativity first.
Change should be exciting because it means that our lives are being shuffled around to make us more happy. Taurus rules the 2nd house or our income but also our comfort zone. It’s time to stop being unhappy in a comfortable situation. It’s time to stop dragging our feet and not taking risks because we’re afraid of making changes.
I am offering an exclusive April Eclipse Reading based on your unique time of birth. This will be delivered via DM voice messages. I will also be incorporating other forms of divination (tarot, oracle, etc) if I feel drawn to do so. Looking forward to a beautiful new month filled with opportunities.
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